Hey Moms!
If you’re new here, thank you so much for joining me. I’m a therapist-in-training/doctoral student, and mom of two kiddos. “The Mom Diaries” is a place where I’m doing exploratory research to better understand what women’s experience of friendship in motherhood is like, and how friendship (or lack of) affects our mental health. “Momffirmations” is my weekly podcast/audio of affirmations that I record. “Just for Laughs” is my weekly accumulation of hilarious parenting photos. And I’ve recently started sharing some of my poetry, as well. I hope you’ll say them out loud with me every Monday, as they are designed especially to encourage moms. If anything doesn’t resonate, feel free to leave it and move on. Happy Monday, and may this be a meaningful day for you.
“Momffirmations” for Monday, January 22nd, 2024.
Today is a beautiful day to notice the way the light falls across a room.
Today is a beautiful day to notice the way birds move outside.
Today is a great day to believe in myself.
Today is a great day to try one new thing.
I am powerful.
Today is a great day to give myself a big, warm hug.
I draw from a deep well of strength and peace.
Today is a great day to show somebody an act of kindness, no matter how small.
These are three things I'm feeling grateful for today…
Thank you, friends, for joining me today.
See you later!
The Story Behind “Momffirmations”
Well, it’s mostly a silly word I made up to describe deep, meaningful affirmations I’ve been cultivating and saying to myself for over 10 years now. One day in my twenties, I was going to my therapist (who I still meet with) and I was feeling really low. At the time, I had gone through a series of bad break-ups, was processing past trauma, and struggled with other difficult challenges.
My self-esteem was in the pits, and I was searching for myself: that kind, strong, bright person that I knew I was, but couldn’t locate.
My psychologist said, “K, I want you to write down three positive statements about yourself or your life each day, and then read them aloud to yourself in the mirror after you brush your teeth. Even if you don’t feel like it’s true in the moment, I want you to do it. OK? Keep practicing.” It was one of the most intimidating things I’d ever done. Staring at myself in the eyes for several minutes, and speaking these words to myself that maybe I didn’t even believe were possible (e.g. “You are an amazing person and I love you.”) Some days I couldn’t even look into my own eyes.
But the effect was huge. After about three weeks, I noticed a difference in how I related to myself. I slowly started to rebuild my self-esteem, showing myself tenderness and compassion. I felt like I was truly becoming a friend to me.
I was putting the parts of myself back together, and growing much stronger as a result. While there are many aspects of my personal therapy and recovery that have made me who I am today, speaking affirmations aloud to myself, and hearing my own voice say these words aloud, has been a pillar of strength that I still rely on.
Now, as a mom & psychologist-in-training, I want to share this technique with you, too, Mama. We can support each other as moms by strengthening one another through these life-giving affirmations. Are you willing to give it a try? Maybe you’ve had a hard morning, or a difficult week. Perhaps you’re in a season of suffering and pain and your future looks bleak. My prayer for you is that these affirmations will warm the fire inside you until you are warm, shining, and thriving again.
“Momffirmations” are affirmations, or positive, validating statements that we can say to ourselves that affirm our personal values and goals. If you ever come across an affirmation that doesn’t resonate for you, feel free to skip it. They are intentions that I make up, record, and re-listen to, speaking the words aloud to myself. I often do this while driving, and I find it is great way to reframe my perspective if I need a reset.
Sometimes I write them down first, but often these affirmations arise organically.
Speaking the words out loud helps me to connect with and care for myself, which in turn makes me a better support to others, like my family members and patients.
What do you think? I’d love to know how these affirmations landed for you today.
Kay M.
Disclaimer: the content on Substack’s “The Mom Diaries” of “Momffirmations” posted by Kay M. (@themomdiaries and https://substack.com/@themomdiaries) and on YouTube (@TheMomDiariesbyKayM) or any other medium or social media platform (the “information”) is for educational and entertainment purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for clinical, medical, legal and professional advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Reliance on any information provided by Kay M. or The Mom Diaries or Momffirmations is solely at your own risk. Always seek the advice of your licensed mental health professional, medical doctor, or other qualified health provider.
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