Hey Moms!
How’s everybody doing this week? :)
I’ve been chewing on some key points from a new book called, “The Anxious Generation” by psychologist Dr. Jonathan Haidt. Have you heard of it? It’s about the damage social media is doing to our kids, and what parents can do about it.
Do you think children should have cell phones at school? Should social media be off-limits or illegal until a child becomes a teenager or adult? Yes or No? Why?
Here are my main takeaways from Dr. Haidt’s “The Anxious Generation:”
We need a revolution! A new way of “doing” technology/smartphones/social media in our schools, and in the hands of our kids/teens. Chiefly, we need to set more boundaries and recognize the risks associated with giving children iPhones, unbridled internet access, and social media accounts before adulthood. Dr. Haidt writes that kids should have little or no access to smartphones and social media until they are 16.
In Dr. Haight’s words “Restore play-based childhood.” Give kids time for imaginative play, unstructured discovery and make-believe, and time outside exploring in nature!
Parents Band Together! It can be helpful to band together as parents when enforcing rules, e.g. my child will use a flat phones instead of an iPhone, or my child won’t be allowed on social media until they’re 16. If you are the ONLY parent withholding an iPhone and/or social media accounts, then your kiddo is the ONLY kid, and this can lead to social exclusion, isolation, and other negative consequences. In the CNN interview, Dr. Haidt recommends that parents, “be sure to coordinate with the parents of your kid’s friends so that your kid feels they’re not the only one. They can still have access to a computer; they can still text their friends on a computer.”
Parents—send letters to your Representatives! Lawmakers and corporations need to be change-makers, too. You can use FiscalNote to enter your zip code and address to find your Federal and Local officials and can compose and send a letter directly through the website! The APA’s recent report stated that “By early 2024, few meaningful changes to social media platforms had been enacted by industry, and no federal policies had been adopted. There remains a need for social media companies to make fundamental changes to their platforms.”
Know the facts: social media is Harmful. Many, many studies have come out showing how damaging social media is for our children’s mental health, and this is ESPECIALLY true for girls! “Self-harm” and “High psychological distress” have gone up exponentially in years correlating with the rise in social media.
Dr. Amber Groomes, PhD, is a clinical psychologist who writes “Dr. Amber Writes” here on Substack. In a recent article called “Stop Using Your Smart Phone To Hurt Your Own Feelings”
says, “From my place as a therapist, I have the privilege of knowing that everyone is comparing themselves to one another and feeling inadequate as a result…The pain that we cause ourselves by engaging in constant comparison to others is profound.” Indeed, the American Psychological Association (APA) released a report this week stating that children simply do not have “the experience, judgment and self-control” to manage themselves on social media platforms.Shout-out and HELLO! to a few wonderful womenwho subscribe to The Mom Diaries / Momffirmations:
Disclaimer: the content on Substack’s “The Mom Diaries” of “Momffirmations” posted by Kay M. (@themomdiaries and https://substack.com/@themomdiaries) and on YouTube (@TheMomDiariesbyKayM) or any other medium or social media platform (the “information”) is for educational and entertainment purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for clinical, medical, legal and professional advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Reliance on any information provided by Kay M. or The Mom Diaries or Momffirmations is solely at your own risk. Always seek the advice of your licensed mental health professional, medical doctor, or other qualified health provider.
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