Mahalo for the mention. Glad you are back!

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Thanks, Rena! Mahalo :) Glad to be back. Hope you have a nice week.

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I empathize with your confusion! Great points.

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Thanks, Cindy! Confusion indeed.

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Have been away myself for a bit and returning with a post later today. Glad to see you back and glad you’ve been looking after yourself. As a librarian, I have such an issue with those calls for “freedom” coupled with the attempts to ban books. Confusing, indeed.

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Ah, yes! Such a great perspective you have on this topic as a librarian. Thanks for your comment here, Tara. :)

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I was just thinking about you and hoping you’d be back! Glad to see you here again.

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Thanks, Morgan! That's really nice to hear. :))

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Welcome back, Kay!💕

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Thanks, Mary! Excited to be back. How has your summer been? Looking forward to reading your pieces again! :)

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Confusing indeed 🫡

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Thanks, Jenna! Yes!

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Welcome back @Kay M. !

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Thanks, Lique! So nice to see you! How is your writing going? About to head over to your profile. :)

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Hi Kay M.! Writing is on hold for a while. I haven’t been feeling well and I had to get my Wi-Fi back in order. But as soon as I am feeling better, I will be back full time. Thanks for asking!

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Happy to see you here but happier that you prioritize yourself and family ❤️

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Thanks, Mama! I so appreciate you, and your warm affirmative spirit. How's the end of summer going for you?

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I am tired to my core. My husband is gone until Thanksgiving and my energy is low. There are many things to be grateful for like preschool starting up and a good job. I’m hoping I will pull off this last push for the virtual conference together before October!

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I've missed you, Kay! I'm glad to see you back.

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