Thank you so much for the mention, it's such an amazing experience to have others connect with what you write.

Thank you for sharing how your experiences have brought you here. Navigating relationships is so complex and relatable because-well we are all humans!

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You’re welcome! Your flour article made me laugh and feel connected and seen. Yes, the ache of rejection is so human, so palpable. For a long time I didn’t have words for it. It’s gratifying to have found (some) language to describe it and some science to understand what it is. I hadn’t really encountered social rejection by other females since middle school and some college experiences, but once my kids because school age it happened again and I was surprised. I thought those days were done, but I realize that I still have growing to do! Thanks for your comment, Kathryn!

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Honored to be included with all these great reads! And interested in this neuroplasticity that gives me a little hope about my own stuck ways. 💚

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YW! Definitely. It's a very hopeful and interesting field of research.

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Also, I truly appreciate the mention and am excited you enjoyed the read and that it struck a chord.

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My pleasure! I loved what you wrote about unexpected places birthing hoped for outcomes.

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Oh, you hit all the nails on their heads.

I’m still part of the group that sent me to a therapist earlier this year (group=family). So, there’s no escape. However, I’m learning to set clear boundaries and allow people to be who they are, while I do the same.

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Thanks for that, P! Yes, our families are our “first” and often primary “group” that we learn from. It has been freeing to realize and learn that family is also what we make it, right? Sometimes friends are as close as family. Would love to hear more about the boundary setting. Absolutely essential for good self care and healthy relationships. ❤️🙏🏻

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I have friends that are certainly my family. We know us better than our families do. They’re my soulmates.

About the boundaries: I’m hyper aware of my limits and what I’m willing to accept. Family knows which buttons to push, right? (advertently or inadvertently) Since I know them well, I formulate responses prior to visiting or decide that I won’t entertain any comments or attempts to force their views on me or others.

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