Oooh, I love the therapy rock, it made me laugh! As I am a mom of an autistic teenager, my life as a mom was a lot different. Talking to moms of neurotypical kids has always been hard because our experiences are very different. Now I have a handful of moms I am friends with who either have neurospicy kids themselves or are supportive and not judgmental.
Thanks, Julia! .... Appreciate your perspective as a mom of a neurodivergent kiddo! Also, love your word here "neurospicy" kids. I'm glad to hear that you have a handful of moms you are friends with who either have neurospicy kids or are otherwise supportive of you. It's so important to have a few good friends like this as we raise children. I am learning that making authentic friendships takes time, and that (for me) there have been some hurt and bumps along the way. Looking forward to continuing to follow you and read your poetry! -Kay
Hi KAY 👋🏼 thank you for the S/O And there is probably a a few moments i had, uh maybe a LOT of moments i've had in public or in groups as a mom some good, some ugly. And will share them with you as they start to come to mind because its been a 🤔 while! 😊
Thanks, AZ! I'd love to know your stories, advice, strengths, hope, etc.! I think that figuring out friendship in motherhood is a unique topic and we don't talk about it enough. I'd like to change that! So yes, let me know what you've learned...!! :)
Thanks AZ! Would you like to be interviewed and share some of your experiences navigating friendships as a mom? I’m lining up interviewees and would love to cross post and get you some more visibility in the process! Lmk...
Oooh, I love the therapy rock, it made me laugh! As I am a mom of an autistic teenager, my life as a mom was a lot different. Talking to moms of neurotypical kids has always been hard because our experiences are very different. Now I have a handful of moms I am friends with who either have neurospicy kids themselves or are supportive and not judgmental.
Thanks, Julia! .... Appreciate your perspective as a mom of a neurodivergent kiddo! Also, love your word here "neurospicy" kids. I'm glad to hear that you have a handful of moms you are friends with who either have neurospicy kids or are otherwise supportive of you. It's so important to have a few good friends like this as we raise children. I am learning that making authentic friendships takes time, and that (for me) there have been some hurt and bumps along the way. Looking forward to continuing to follow you and read your poetry! -Kay
Hi KAY 👋🏼 thank you for the S/O And there is probably a a few moments i had, uh maybe a LOT of moments i've had in public or in groups as a mom some good, some ugly. And will share them with you as they start to come to mind because its been a 🤔 while! 😊
Thanks, AZ! I'd love to know your stories, advice, strengths, hope, etc.! I think that figuring out friendship in motherhood is a unique topic and we don't talk about it enough. I'd like to change that! So yes, let me know what you've learned...!! :)
Yes that is a great topic Kay. Im sure all moms can discuss and share some helpful things.
Thanks AZ! Would you like to be interviewed and share some of your experiences navigating friendships as a mom? I’m lining up interviewees and would love to cross post and get you some more visibility in the process! Lmk...
Hi Kay no but thank you for considering me. 😊
No problem! I look forward to continuing to support each other, AZ! :))
Of course ☺️
Of course ☺️