I want to be okay with not being okay! But it's a struggle over here. My mantra has been "it's fine" for so long. These momfirmations are helpful places to start!

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Thanks for your honesty, Meredith! I agree - I feel like I was programmed in some ways to strive for being ok, and it's so ironic but when I'm "not okay" and then I get upset (at myself, others, etc.) for "not being okay" then it just makes it worse. Whereas, when I accept my discomfort, and try to be friends with it in a way, the tension eases. It's really a fascinating practice of mindfulness and compassion! Thanks again, Meredith.

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Happy Monday, Kay! So good to hear these Momffirmatiions, especially on a Monday morning when it’s not easy to get out of bed. Thanks for reminding us to be tender with ourselves.❤️

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Happy Monday, Mary! Ooooh, thank you so much. I appreciate that it was good to hear. Thanks for your feedback. Yes, tenderness is strength. :) Sending you love on this wintery day!

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We all need these reminders. But moms need them more than ever. It’s a tough job. But we can’t do it without loving ourselves first. 💕

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So true. And I find that when I'm tender and patient with myself, that translates directly to my children, husband, patients, store clerks, ... everyone. :) (and when I'm irritable, well, that translates too, wah wah). Thanks Mary.

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