Disclaimer: the content on Substack’s “The Mom Diaries” of “Momffirmations” posted by Kay M. (@themomdiaries and https://substack.com/@themomdiaries) and on YouTube (@TheMomDiariesbyKayM) or any other medium or social media platform (the “information”) is for educational and entertainment purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for clinical, medical, legal and professional advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Reliance on any information provided by Kay M. or The Mom Diaries or Momffirmations is solely at your own risk. Always seek the advice of your licensed mental health professional, medical doctor, or other qualified health provider.
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Just love this, Kay. People marvel at, and celebrate, Williams’ dual careers. But you’re right: he didn’t have to buy or wash his famous plums. The image of pressing the sun and moon together while peeling glue off of a child’s fingers is vivid. It’s a perfect illustration of what is expected from mothers.
This is fantastic! Really, your language and voice are just working at such a high level here. I love it. It's funny because I just watched the film "Paterson" last night, which is about a poet who is also a bus driver. William Carlos Williams comes up in the film, so I've been thinking about him today, and his plums! The film is beautiful, and as a poet, I found so much truth and beauty in the character's weaving of poetry into his day. I highly recommend it. Thanks for sharing this poem.